Sunday, January 14, 2007

Arms of Deliverance by Tricia Goyer

Tricia Goyer's Arms of Deliverance: A Story of Promise
The fourth and final novel in this exhilarating series capturing
the tales of men and women swept into World War II. Two
friends, Mary and Lee, land similar reporting jobs at the New York
on the eve of the war’s outbreak and soon they become
competitors. Mary's coverage of a bombing raid over Germany
leads to a plane wreck and an adventurous escape attempt from
across enemy lines. And when Lee hears of Mary's plight, she
bravely heads to war-torn Europe in an effort to help rescue her
friend. Will there be enough time for diplomacy or will war get
the best of everyone?

TRICIA GOYER is the author of three other WWII novels, From Dust to Ashes, Night Song and Dawn of a Thousand Nights. Night Song, the second title in Tricia's World War II series, won ACFW's Book of the Year for Best Long Historical Romance. Tricia and her husband, John, live with their family in northwestern Montana.

Friday, January 05, 2007

somewhat new approach

In order to increase the number of reviews, I've joined the Christian Fiction Review Blog. You can see the blog roll on the sidebar. Once a month, I'll feature an author from the blog roll, either reviewing their book myself or putting in their promotional info as I have been.