Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Magic of Laven-Rock by Mosetta M. Penick Phillips-Cermak

The people of K'briadron lived an idyllic life.

Purple and blue magic created by the Jockspurs supplied their every need. That is, until the coming of the Lockstick.

Princess Kaylin Veronica and her cousin, Prince Theodore, escape the confines of their royal lives and set out to find the being who caused so many problems in their land.

Written by the author of The Wishing Flower, The Magic of Laven-Rock is a delightful fairy tale adventure where children learn that sharing is much better than fighting, and that people throughout the world are not so very different than themselves.

Title: The Magic of Laven-Rock
ISBN: 9780981777733
Author: Mosetta M. Penick Phillips-Cermak
Publisher: P.M. Moon Publishers, Limited

Interview with the Author:

What's your favorite part of the book?

My favorite part of The Magic of Laven-Rock is when Princess Kaylin gives her handkerchief to the "monster" and he begins to cry. The Lockstick stops being selfish and begins to view the world through the eyes of the princess.

What was the most challenging part to write?

I think the most challenging aspect was trying to determine just how scary to make the Lockstick without being too preachy. I didn't want to kill off the "monster". There is too much violence in this world as it is. I wanted him to change into a good person through an act of kindness.

How did you come up with the idea for the story?

Two things happened in a matter of days that gave me the idea for the story.

First, I watched a table of Kindergarteners argue over a box of crayons. The crayons did not to belong to any one child. I had placed a set of crayons on each table for the use of the respective groups. At this one table, the biggest child grabbed all the crayons and would not allow any of the other children to have access. Of course I intervened, but when I talked to him, his response was overwhelming to me. He said, "I don't want to share. No one ever shares with me."

The second thing that happened was that as I watched a news broadcast, there was a piece on the Bush Administrations plan to remove key protection for wildlife in our National Forest System. Somehow, these two events coalesced in my thinking, and the story was born.

What do you hope kids will get from reading your book?

I want the children to understand the one can talk through their problems. The peoples of the earth are more alike than dissimilar. We can work together to share our resources and solve our problems.

What's next for you?

I am currently writing a teachers' curriculum manual to accompany The Magic of Laven-Rock, however, Rajah and the Big Blue Ball is my next release. It is due to be released on or about the 15th of March 2009. I am under contract for five more Rajah stories, These are fun stories with a real-live dog as the protagonist. In each book, Rajah has to find the solution to a problem. In the first one, Rajah as to confront something that scares him. He has to look at the unknown.

Thank you for inviting me to be on your tour, and for allowing me to share my books with your audience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read The Magic of Laven-Rock.
It is a beautifully crafted book with a very sweet story, yet it is not sappy or preachy.
Both my son and my daughter read it. My son liked it because there was a monster. My daughter loved the princess being an equal with the prince, and I loved it because there was no violence. I worry about my children reading and watching violence.
I am looking forward to more work by this author.